Upgraded to CA Librarian V4.4, Is there a cumulative group of PTFs available for download?
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Upgraded to CA Librarian V4.4, Is there a cumulative group of PTFs available for download?


Article ID: 10241


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I've just upgraded my CA Librarian software to release 4.4. Now I need to apply any maintenance that has been issued since the base release. Is there a cumulative group of PTFs available for download?



Librarian V4.4


There is not a cumulative group of PTFs available for download, however, all PTFs can be downloaded at one time via Broadcom Support Online portal.


- Logon to the Broadcom Support Online portal 

- Select Mainframe and then Product Downloads


1. In the 'Search Your Product' box enter Librarian 

  •     Click on the LIBRARIAN link 

2. On the Librarian page, switch from the Product Download tab to the Solution Download tab at the top

3. Locate CA Librarian Base+ LIB/AM+ TSO MVS  and click on 4.4

4. In the Search box, enter Librarian and search

5. Click the red 'Add All to Cart'   

6. Click on 'Cart' at the top in the black banner

7. Scroll down and look for the paragraph asking if you want -  A complete PTF package  
  •         Enable the toggle

8. Scroll to the bottom of page and click  'Checkout' 

9. On the 'Today's Downloads' page, it will indicate the Status of your order

10. When the order is Ready, Download the zip file to a USS directory on the mainframe

11.  Use CAUNZIP to unzip the file. 

12.  Run the SMP/E Receive job 


Additional Information

CAUNZIP is easy to use because it automates separating files (PTFs and informational PTFs)  for SMP/e processing. 

For CAUNZIP, FTP information and sample JCL, refer to link: 
