CA Telon PWS, user blocked, cannot enter the session
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CA Telon PWS, user blocked, cannot enter the session


Article ID: 102366


Updated On:


Telon Application Generator


Starting up a session for CA Telon PWS.

What is causing this message. "All 62 session slots for this User ID in TNUSER.UDB are full"?



CA Telon PWS (Programmable Work Station)


If an abend occurs when running the TDF, then the TNLOGOFF program does not get run and the TNISER.UDB file is left with a dangling record. CA Telon provides no facility to "clean up" those dangling records, short of re-initializing the entire file. The resolutioin is to re-initialize the file through the CA-Telon GUI desktop. This can be done by going to Utility, then selecting Telon Data Base initialization, then checking Create User Data Base File
Another way to resolve this, is to retrieve an empty TNUSER.UDB file.


Additional Information

This error could be caused by; 
either having network problems or users are shutting off their machines without closing all of the Telon programs. 
In this case, the user often has sessions that crash.