1. Verify if all z/OS 2.3 compatibility fixes are on with CA ACF2 R16.
2. Verify if DSN SYS1.NUCLEUS contains module CSVSBRTN. Make sure its current and look for any eyecatcher.
3. Verify using TSO ISRDDN or TSO CAMODID any module related to CSECT ACF89CDE. It is included in several other ACF2 modules such as module ACF89SIP.
It Should be current. Here in the an example with current RMID RO95218
For example:
.......-ACF89CDE........AC89CDE#........CMCTABLE...... AC89CDE@...&...0ACFF1MFS
...5695PMB01 ........¬
..........569623400 .....
............ .. ...........0
x4..y....#MID......y....ACF89CDE CAX1G00 ~RMID(RO95218)~ 20161118 17.26 .......
.......................U...4....... ...&...h...q...Q.......................U....
4. Make sure your runtime library is upto-date and while copying nothing is missing or out of sync.