NULL Mainframe Bridge Endpoints :Error with the Protocol Handler, CICS Infrastructure cannot be accessed.
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NULL Mainframe Bridge Endpoints :Error with the Protocol Handler, CICS Infrastructure cannot be accessed.


Article ID: 102308


Updated On:


CA Application Test CA Continuous Application Insight (PathFinder) Service Virtualization


When trying to do a VS recording in the Workstation on the server and the CICS Link protocol a popup error appears indicating an error with the protocol handler.

Looking at the System messages see a message saying NULL Mainframe Bridge Endpoints.


All supported DevTest releases.


The server is a VM and configured with below Mainframe Bridge information in 

. lisa.mainframe.bridge.enabled=true 
. lisa.mainframe.bridge.port=61617 
. lisa.mainframe.bridge.mode=client 
. (LPAR agent IPv4 address) 
. lisa.mainframe.bridge.server.port=XXXX ((LPAR agent listening port) 
. lisa.mainframe.bridge.connid=AA

When Workstation is started on the same server it is going to use the above properties and causing the issue.


* Configuring the server VM with the below properties only:
. lisa.mainframe.bridge.enabled=true 
. lisa.mainframe.bridge.mode=client 
. (LPAR agent IPv4 address) 
. lisa.mainframe.bridge.server.port=XXXX ((LPAR agent listening port) 

 and commenting the below properties as these were needed for "Server mode" and multiple mainframe Bridges.
. lisa.mainframe.bridge.port=61617 
. lisa.mainframe.bridge.connid=AA configured with 


* Make sure " lisa.pathfinder.on=true" in the  

* Clearing the lisatmp_10.x.x/amq folder.
* Creating a new with the default and added the below in Workstation.vmoptions. This way Workstation will not use the which was configured with Mainframe Bridge properties and use the default 

* Then restarting DevTest Server components and Workstation and issue resolved

Additional Information

Workstation log shows the below errors when "NULL Mainframe Bridge Endpoints" is thrown.

018-06-12 17:39:48,982Z (13:39) [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR System.err - [DevTest AGENT:C][ERROR][10276][26][AWT-EventQueue-0][12-Jun-2018 1:39:48 PM] JMS producer for the mainframe endpoint is null.
2018-06-12 17:39:48,997Z (13:39) [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR System.err - [DevTest AGENT:C][ERROR][10276][26][AWT-EventQueue-0][12-Jun-2018 1:39:48 PM] JMS session for the mainframe endpoint is null.
2018-06-12 17:39:48,997Z (13:39) [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR System.err - [DevTest AGENT:C][ERROR][10276][26][AWT-EventQueue-0][12-Jun-2018 1:39:48 PM] The Mainframe Client Message Handler can't connect to the LISA Broker.
2018-06-12 17:39:48,997Z (13:39) [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR com.itko.lisa.vse.stateful.protocol.cics.CICSMessageHandler - The Mainframe Client Message Handler can't connect to the LISA Broker.
2018-06-12 17:39:48,997Z (13:39) [AWT-EventQueue-0] WARN com.itko.lisa.test.LisaException - LisaException detail Null Mainframe Bridge Endpoints exception is n/a
2018-06-12 17:39:48,997Z (13:39) [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR com.itko.lisa.vse.stateful.protocol.cics.CICSProtocolHandler - The protocol handler encountered an error creating the message handler.
2018-06-12 17:39:48,997Z (13:39) [AWT-EventQueue-0] WARN com.itko.lisa.test.LisaException - LisaException detail The protocol handler encountered an error creating the message handler.