How to Rebuild the Derby Database for the CA Workload Control Center r11.3.5 /11.4.x not applicable for R12 or higher
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How to Rebuild the Derby Database for the CA Workload Control Center r11.3.5 /11.4.x not applicable for R12 or higher


Article ID: 10230


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


When the Derby database experiences data corruption, users are no longer able to login to the WCC GUI. To make the GUI accessible again, the database must be rebuilt. After database is rebuilt, users will be able to login to the GUI but monitoring views or AE configurations are no longer present.

This is the procedure to export your monitoring views/filters/alerts/configurations from WCC so they can be imported into your rebuilt Derby database. 


CA Workload Control Center r11.3.5 /11.4.x

Not applicable WCC versions for R12 or higher


1. Export all views, filters, alert policies using the following command: 

Windows: wcc_monitor.bat -u username -p password -x monitor_filename 

Linux: ./ -u username -p password -x monitor_filename


2. Export all configurations (including AE definitions) using the following command: 

Windows: wcc_config.bat -u user_name -p password -x config_filename

Linux: ./ -u user_name -p password -x config_filename


3. Stop all WCC services


4. Rename the DB_FILES directory under the %CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION%\derby directory (or $CA_WCC_INSTALL_LOCATION/derby directory)


5. Restart WCC services (this will force WCC to recreate the database)


6. Log into the WCC GUI (it may take a while to log into WCC because the database is still being created at this time)


7. Import your config_filename using the following command:

Windows: wcc_config.bat -u username -p password -i config_filename 

Linux: ./ -u username -p password -i config_filename


8. Within the GUI, validate the AE server(s) (if they haven't already been validated after the import)


9.I mport your monitor_filename using the following command:

Windows: wcc_monitor.bat -u username -p password -i monitor_filename 

Linux: ./ -u username -p password -i monitor_filename



Additional Information

This KB article for restoring derby database is only for previous releases and it won't work for WCC 12.0 and above release.