How To Automate WCC Monitoring View Backups
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How To Automate WCC Monitoring View Backups


Article ID: 10222


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CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


It is best practice to periodically backup WCC Monitoring views to a file which can be restored to a new WCC installation if necessary. The Monitoring Batch Utility can be used to perform the backup. WCC itself does not have the ability to automate the utility. However, the command can be run as a simple WAAE Command Job when there is an agent installed on the WCC server, making it possible to schedule a regular view backup.



Workload Automation AE


A WAAE agent will first need to be installed on the WCC server if there is not one already present. Once that is complete, you are ready to setup an automated view backup.

The Monitoring Batch Utility requires command line arguments that include a WCC commander-level user and password. These arguments can optionally be encrypted and put into a file to be read by the utility at runtime. To avoid exposing the plaintext password in a script or job command, you will need to create the encryption file on the WCC server before defining the job to execute the backup.

To create the encryption file...

1. Login to the WCC server as the user that owns the WCC files.

2. Go to <WCC_INSTALL_DIR>\bin and execute...

    wcc_monitor -u <wcc_user> -p <wcc_password> -e <arg_file> -x <export_file>


<wcc_user> is any commander-level WCC user ID

<wcc_password> is the password for the specified <wcc_user>

<arg_file> can be any file name and will contain the encrypted arguments

<export_file> can be any path and file name and will contain the view backup

With the file containing the necessary arguments for a view backup now created, you are ready to schedule the backup as a command job. To do this, you simply create a command job that runs on the WCC server and executes...

<WCC_INSTALL_DIR>\bin\wcc_monitor <arg_file>

Specify the <arg_file> containing the encrypted arguments that was created in the steps above.

The job will need to be owned by the user that owns the WCC files and can be scheduled according to your backup requirements.

NOTE: The syntax for all of the above steps is the same between Windows and UNIX/Linux. However, if WCC is installed on UNIX/Linux, you must specify '' when executing the command.


Additional Information

Should the view backup from the above process ever need to be restored to WCC, it is done using the same batch utility with the following arguments...

wcc_monitor -u <wcc_user> -p <wcc_password> -i <export_file>