Batch utility to list Deliver report attributes and View archive info for a given report?
Article ID: 102072
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Is there a CA provided utility that will obtain, combine and list the following information for a given report from the CA View and CA Deliver databases?
1) CA Deliver defined attributes of the report definition (assigned dist id, etc). 2) CA View archived report information (arch date, generation #, sequence #, etc).
Unfortunately, we do not provide a single reporting utility that runs against BOTH CA View and CA Deliver and produces a report reflecting combined data/information from both databases.
The reporting utilities available in Deliver are the RMORPT and the RMOGRW utilities.
- Your best choice for producing a listing of the CA Deliver report definition attributes would be the RMOGRW02 report which by default, would produce the information for ALL reports. Since you would like the information for a "GIVEN" report, you can actually create your own custom RMOGRW02 report and add an additional /IF and a /END statement to limit the output to only the given report id.
Between the TITLE and first PRINT statements (in line 23) of the supplied RMOGRW02 code, insert a /IF statement that looks similar to the following:
00022 /TITLE 'REPORT DEFINITION ATTRIBUTES' 00023 /IF SUBSTR(RID,1,8) EQ 'reportid' <-------- ADDED - (Where reportid is the given report you need the info for). 00023 /PRINT 'ID='||RID COL(1)
And then at the very end of the RMOGRW02 code after the last /END statement (line 96), insert an additional /END statement:
00096 /END 00097 /END <-------- ADDED
CA View also provides several different reporting utilities such as SARBCH LIST, SARSAMn and SARGRW.
- Your easiest choice for producing the a listing of the CA View archive information for a given report (arch date, generation #, sequence #, etc) would be to use the SARBCH LIST utility with the following control parameter to limit the output to only a given report:
/DBASE NAME=Your.View.db /LIST ID=reportid GEN=*
* Besides the above SARBCH LIST example, another possible alternative for you would be to customize your own version of a SARGRW report.
Given the above examples, you may be able to create your own in-house utility or program that combines the reports produced by each of these CA provided utilities.