Turn off 'User Temporary Overrides'
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Turn off 'User Temporary Overrides'


Article ID: 101852


Updated On:


TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


Is it possible to turn off 'User Temporary Overrides' - option 'E' from the main menu.


Component: STX


The short answer is No.

You can temporarily modify values associated with your userid from this panel or clear them by using the "Erase EOF" key.
Changes last for the duration of your TPX session and take effect immediately.

If you want to establish values that will remain through subsequent signons, use the TPX Administration Self Maintenance function to change any values you are authorized to update.

The security system indicator cannot be updated.

TPX Commands are not valid from this panel.
Valid commands are HELP, END and RETURN.  However, be advised that ...
PF3=End PF4=Return ..... on panel TEN0049 'User Temporary Overrides' will not execute if there is a parameter key conflict. Correct the PF Key conflict.