The process documented in was followed in order to enable inbound synchronization with SSL/TLS and the environment is not processing the records.
The etanotify.log shows messages similar to these:
20180612:160816:TID=0012e4:D: Sending Payload (1429 bytes)...
20180612:160816:TID=0012e4:D: URL( No need to encrypt the payload
20180612:160816:TID=0012e4:I: Try sending payload to
20180612:160816:TID=0012e4:E: FAILED( [rc=27] SSL: couldn't create a cont
20180612:160816:TID=0012e4:E:+ext: (nil)
20180612:160816:TID=0012e4:E: Error in notification processing: Reason: Operation failed. ALERT: Unable to contact any IMS. Processi
20180612:160816:TID=0012e4:E:+ng aborted.
20180612:160816:TID=0012e4:E: Originated from: .\EtaNotifyTools.cpp [1081].
20180612:160816:TID=0012e4:I: DONE: Notifications Processed: 0/100+ [FAILED]