Linux agent throws the error
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Linux agent throws the error


Article ID: 101600


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Workload Automation Agent ESP Workload Automation CA Workload Automation DE - System Agent (dSeries) CA Workload Automation DE - Scheduler (dSeries)


User installed the latest Linux Agent version and received the error below when job is submitted to the agent;

cybermation.library.communications.CybConversationException: Illegal block size


CA Workload Automation Agent 
CA Workload Automation EE (ESP Edition) 11.4


Mismatch agent's AES encryption key with the EE (ESP) scheduler.

Error in agent's transmitter log like below;
06/14/2018 13:46:44.475-0400 1 TCP/IP Controller Plugin.Transmitter pool thread <Regular:1>.CybTargetHandlerChannel.a[:628] - Error sending message to xxxxx:
Caused by: javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: The input was invalid: Invalid input length for decryption. Should be a multiple of the block size - 16.
at com.rsa.cryptoj.f.vs.engineDoFinal(Unknown Source)
at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal(


You can use either of the following;
1. Use the Agent's keygen utility to set the encryption key and cipher on the agent, or
2. Copy the cryptkey.txt file from a Linux agent that is working with ESP scheduler to the agent's cryptkey.txt file location (default location is the agent installation directory).

Additional Information

Set the Encryption on the Agent Using the Keygen Utility