e2e probe - Help documentation for e2e return codes
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e2e probe - Help documentation for e2e return codes


Article ID: 101594


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


DX IM - e2e probe - Documentation for e2e_appmon, e2e_appmon_dev return codes


Any UIM Version


You should be able to find all codes in the Nimrecorder Help once installed, but check out the additional links and example below:

Return value

Ret, numeric return code. When the browser has been started correctly and the page could be loaded within 30 seconds (this default value can be changed using #ActionTimeout), the function returns 0. Otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. The return code is -3 if <browser_type> is incorrect.

***The return code is -2146697211 if an HTTP error prevents the specified page to load.***

Error codes for Web functions

The table below lists the possible error codes for the NimRecorder Web functions, for the errors stopping script execution (unless #IgnoreErrors=1).

-2146697211 An HTTP error prevents the specified page to load
-404,-405 Usual HTTP error codes
-14 Invalid character for WriteHTML - use instead WriteHTMLPaste function
-12 Download timeout
-11 Internal error
-8 HTML Element not found
-7 Index too big
-5 Page has not finished to load within the timeout
-4 Browser lost
-3 Bad HTML descriptor
-3 Browser not recognized (Only for StartBrowser function when its first parameter is different from "IE")
-2 Page not found
-1 Impossible to capture or invalid range (Capture Web functions)
-1 No browser in use (no UsePage or StartBrowser before)
-1 Extraction cannot be done (ExtractLink function)

Error codes for File management functions
The table below lists the possible error codes for the NimRecorder File management functions, for the errors stopping script execution (unless #IgnoreErrors=1).

-2 Index too big when running NimRecorder Excel functions (the array is smaller than the number of cells)
-1 ColeDispatch Exception : Error returned by Excel when an invalid operation is attempted by NimRecorder Excel functions
1 File empty
2 File not found
3 Path not found
4 Too many files open
5 Path empty
6 Directory already exists
7 File already exists
8 Not enough memory
9 File or path not found (TaskExec could not find if it's the file or the path which is not found)
10 Incorrect disk
11 Error in current directory
12 Write protected
13 Unable to copy files
14 Unable to delete files
15 Unable to name files
16 Unable to move directory
17 Unable to create directory
18 Unable to delete directory
19 Unable to change directory
20 Unable to write (or save)
21 Directory full
22 Bad sector
23 Error IO
24 Violation error
25 Disk full
26 Unable to create file
27 Unable to open file
28 Unable to readi file
29 Invalid file
30 Unable to close file
31 Invalid length
32 Unable to change attributes
90 Internal XML COM error
99 Invalid parameters
110 Invalid XML path
111 Invalid XML attribute or XML attribute not found
112 Index too big (return code only for the XML functions)

Error codes for Flow control functions
The table below lists the possible error codes for the NimRecorder Flow control functions, for the errors stopping script execution (unless #IgnoreErrors=1). Only the Shell or the Run function return such error codes.

34 DDE failure
35 No association
36 Access denied
37 DLL not found
38 Sharing violation
39 Empty Shell name
40 Empty Run name

Error codes for FTP functions
The table below lists the possible error codes for the NimRecorder FTP functions, for the errors stopping script execution (unless #IgnoreErrors=1).

9 File or path does not exist
80 The file already exists
550 Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
553 Requested action not taken. File name not allowed
12001 No more handles could be generated at this time
12002 The request has timed out
12003 An extended error was returned from the server
12004 An internal error has occurred
12005 The URL is invalid
12006 The URL scheme could not be recognized or is not supported
12007 The server name could not be resolved
12008 The requested protocol could not be located
12012 Internet function support is being shut down or unloaded
12013 The request to connect and log on to an FTP server could not be completed because the supplied user name is incorrect
12014 The request to connect and log on to an FTP server could not be completed because the supplied password is incorrect
12015 The request to connect to and log on to an FTP server failed
12016 The requested operation is invalid
12017 The operation was canceled
12020 The request cannot be made via a proxy
12021 A required registry value could not be located
12022 A required registry value was located but is an incorrect type or has an invalid value
12023 Direct network access cannot be made at this time
12026 The required operation could not be completed because one or more requests are pending
12028 The requested item could not be located
12029 The attempt to connect to the server failed
12030 The connection with the server has been terminated
12037 SSL certificate date that was received from the server is bad. The certificate is expired
12038 SSL certificate common name (host name field) is incorrect
12039 The application is moving from a non-SSL to an SSL connection because of a redirect
12040 The application is moving from an SSL to an non-SSL connection because of a redirect
12110 The requested operation cannot be made on the FTP session handle because an operation is already in progress
12111 The FTP operation was not completed because the session was aborted
12156 The redirection failed because either the scheme changed (for example, HTTP to FTP) or all attempts made to redirect failed (default is five attempts)

Error codes for ODBC functions
The table below lists the possible error codes for the NimRecorder ODBC functions, for the errors stopping script execution (unless #IgnoreErrors=1).

-5 Close the record set first
-4 Connection cancelled
-3 No numeric field
-2 No connection available
-1 No record set


Error codes for Synchronization functions

There are no error codes for Synchronization functions. At execution, if an error prevents even the PauseFalse block to be executed, an error message is displayed and execution stops. You have to correct the code and then replay.

Error codes for User dialog functions

There are no error codes for User dialog functions. At execution, the function returns an empty string in case of an error.
Error codes for Web functions
The table below lists the possible error codes for the NimRecorder Web functions, for the errors stopping script execution (unless #IgnoreErrors=1).

-2146697211 An HTTP error prevents the specified page to load
-404,-405 Usual HTTP error codes
-14 Invalid character for WriteHTML - use instead WriteHTMLPaste function
-12 Download timeout
-11 Internal error
-8 HTML Element not found
-7 Index too big
-5 Page has not finished to load within the timeout
-4 Browser lost
-3 Bad HTML descriptor
-3 Browser not recognized (Only for StartBrowser function when its first parameter is different from "IE")
-2 Page not found
-1 Impossible to capture or invalid range (Capture Web functions)
-1 No browser in use (no UsePage or StartBrowser before)
-1 Extraction cannot be done (ExtractLink function)

Error codes for Windows management functions
The table below lists the possible error codes for the NimRecorder Windows management functions, for the errors stopping script execution (unless #IgnoreErrors=1).

41 Window not found (or window handle not found)
42 Window name empty
43 No window specified
44 Impossible to move the window
45 Impossible to resize the window
46 Focus change error
48 Impossible to find Edit box
49 Impossible to find Combobox
50 Impossible to attach to Combobox
51 Impossible to find Listbox control
52 Impossible to find Combobox control
53 Impossible to find Listview control
54 Impossible to find Treeview control
55 Impossible to find button
56 Impossible to find checkbox
57 Impossible to find radiobutton
58 Impossible to find Tab
59 Invalid scrollbar
60 Impossible to create the msgframe
61 New coordinates for window are out of the screen
62 Impossible to read window size
64 Out of screen
65 Item not found
75 Empty menu name
76 Menu not found
77 Menu attach error
78 Menu item not found
90 Internal error
95 Invalid instance number
98 Error in key list inside instruction SendKeys
99 Invalid parameter
105 Invalid UI command (the User Interface is not available when running a non-interactive task via Scheduler)
106 Invalid toolbar
108 Invalid Regular Expression

Additional Information
