When using File Master plus how can you change the CLASS parameter in a JOB card only - without changing MSGCLASS.
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When using File Master plus how can you change the CLASS parameter in a JOB card only - without changing MSGCLASS.


Article ID: 10157


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File Master Plus for IMS File Master Plus for DB2 for z/OS


This document describes how to copy all members from one Partitioned Data Set (PDS) to a new PDS and changing a parameter in all target members, using File Master Plus for MVS.

This example is going to change the CLASS parameter in a JOB card only - without changing MSGCLASS for instance. 


Because INFORMAT(JCL) is being used in the following sample, the IF applies for the whole JOB statement - doesn't matter how many lines the JOB statement has.

And due to using " CLASS=P" and ",CLASS=P" (with a leading space or comma), MSGCLASS won't be changed in your JOB card.

Please check each line, but it should be sufficient, if you change the yellow highlighted text. The sample copies all members from an existing PDS to a new PDS. If the new PDS exists, it will be deleted first.     

//  EXPORT SYMLIST=(TARGET)                                           
//* Check please:                                                      
//  SET  SOURCE='your.source.pds.dsn'                             
//  SET  TARGET='your.target.pds.dsn'                         
//  SET  FMLOAD='your.FM.CDBILOAD'                                
//  SET  STORCL='your_storage_class'                                                 
//DELETE   EXEC PGM=IDCAMS                                            
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                 
//SYSIN    DD *,SYMBOLS=EXECSYS                                       
  DELETE   &TARGET   PURGE                                            
  IF LASTCC=8 THEN SET MAXCC=0                                        
//COPY     EXEC PGM=CAWABATC,REGION=2M                                
//STEPLIB   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&FMLOAD                                   
//SYSPRINT  DD SYSOUT=*                                                
//SYSUDUMP  DD SYSOUT=*                                               
//SOURCE    DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&SOURCE                                   
//TARGET    DD DSN=&TARGET,STORCLAS=&STORCL,                          
//             LIKE=&SOURCE,DISP=(NEW,CATLG,KEEP)                     
//SYSIN     DD *                                                      
     IF(4,60,CO,T' JOB '),                                            
        CHANGE(1,0,EQ,C" CLASS=P",C" CLASS=Y"),                       