How to request CA PAM AMI
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How to request CA PAM AMI


Article ID: 101553


Updated On: 02-03-2025


CA Privileged Access Manager - Cloakware Password Authority (PA) CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


There are currently 4 methods of installing or setting up CA PAM. These include a hardware appliance, VMware OVA, Azure VHD, and an AWS AMI. This document explains how to get access to the AWS AMI.


Privileged Access Manager, all versions


The CA PAM AMI is delivered only to CA clients who have already paid for CA PAM or those who are testing the product through an official Proof-of-Concept project. To obtain access to the AMI you must open a ticket with CA Support ( with the following information clearly defined:

Company Name --
Contact Name --  
Contact Email --
AWS Account # --
AWS Region --
CA PAM Release --
FIPS Requirements --

Once this ticket is opened with this information CA Support will validate your privileges and make the AMI available to you as a private image which you can then deploy.