RPM panel missing when returning from 'SYSVIEW for DB2'
Article ID: 101485
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Bind Analyzer for DB2 for z/OSSQL-Ease for DB2 for z/OSSYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OSPlan Analyzer for DB2 for z/OSSubsystem Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS
From the RC/query/update main screen, upon selecting IS SYSVIEW FOR DB2, then PF3 to return to RC/query/update then an error is displayed saying that the RPM panel is missing. While in RC/query/update, DB2CACSC.CDBAPNL0 is allocated as: ISP10434 DB2CACSC.CDBAPNL0 While in 'SYSVIEW for DB2', DB2CACSC.CDBAPNL0 is allocated as: INSPLIB DB2CACSC.CDBAPNL0 If I copy the RPM panel into another (non CA) panel datasets allocated to my TSO session, it works as expected.
z/os DB2
LIBD set to ON in NSIGHT member
Go into the Main CA DB2 Tools menu issue command TSO ISRDDN Then issue command MEMBER NSIGHT This will show what library the NSIGHT Clist is in. 1) Make sure it is the correct library and version 2) Check NSIGHT Clist and ensure it has LIBD(OFF) set in it.