How to debug report problems in CA Performance Management
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How to debug report problems in CA Performance Management


Article ID: 101388


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CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


When reports don't provide the expected output in a reproducible scenario debug is often required to delve deeper into the potential cause.

This data is often required to determine a root cause and solution for report problems.

If a problem is defect related requiring engineering engagement, this data would be required in most circumstances.


Dx NetOps Performance Management


Generic RIB Debug logging procedure for DataAggregator reports issues...

(This can also be found in the Troubleshooting section of the user documentation)
  1. Log in as a user who has the "Generate URLs from Views" role right.

  2. Open the dashboard that contains the problematic view.

  3. Click the Edit (gear) icon on the view, and select Generate URL.
    The Generate URL dialog opens.



5. Enable Detailed View Logging.

6. Click Preview.


7. Take a screenshot of the preview and save it to file, also capture the text so we can use it to search the logs.

8. Run CA Remote Engineer (CARE) on the Performance Center host and the Data Aggregator host: