We need to uninstall CA Job Management Manager and/or CA Job Management Agent from our OpenVMS servers.
This article will describe the procedures for removing both the manager and agent.
For CA Job Management Manager:
1. Inventory your data and decide whether or not to delete it. Such data includes log files and the job database. Execute the following DCL command to learn the names and version numbers of the various data files:
Most files that match the wild-card file names above are your data that you must decide to keep or delete; a notable exception is UJM$MACHINE_DEFINITIONS.DAT, which does not need to be kept. If you wish to keep any of your data perform a backup before continuing.
2. Execute the following DCL command to remove the product from your system. The procedure must be executed while logged in to an account that has the BYPASS, CMKRNL and NETMBX privileges:
You will be prompted to verify the directory paths for logical names NSCHED$DATA, NSCHED$EXE and NSCHED$COM and the current path for each will be displayed. Unless you know that the displayed paths are incorrect, accept the default by pressing “Enter” when prompted.
You will also be prompted to decide whether or not to remove the common files and directories where your data, such as the job database, is stored; this is your last chance to decide whether or not to keep that data or make a backup copy before continuing.
3. Once the procedure executed in step 2 is complete you may reboot the system if you wish, but doing so is not necessary.
For CA Job Management Agent:
1. The agent does not utilize any database that you created, therefore the only file(s) that you may wish to keep is/are the agent log file(s), namely SYS$MANAGER:NSCHED$AGENT.LOG;*. Review any files with that name and make a backup copy if you desire:
2. Execute the following DCL command to remove the product from your system. The procedure must be executed while logged in to an account that has the BYPASS, CMKRNL and NETMBX privileges:
You will be prompted as to whether or not you wish to continue; this is your last chance to decide whether or not you wish to keep any files.
3. Once the procedure executed in step 2 is complete you may reboot the system if you wish, but doing so is not necessary.