Returning file pdf binary data in response body
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Returning file pdf binary data in response body


Article ID: 101361


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CA API Gateway


The backend is returning the binary content of a file which is saved as a .pdf file. when called from the API Gateway.

The response can be seen with binary content in ${} when returned as content-type=application/pdf (same as backend). The call is prompting to save as pdf but the file is only 9 bytes and not able to open.

When using a response body and return to template response as application/txt, Content-type=${} Content-size=${}, the returned response is Content-type=application/pdf Content-size=27240 which means the binary file content length is bigger.

When using a response body and return to template response as application/txt, ${}, you can see the binary content on the response body %PDF-1.5 %���� 3 0 obj <>stream x���� .... startxref 26849 %%EOF


API Gateway 10.x, 11.x


When using a return template response assertion, it is very important to specify the correct content-type. If you're forcing a multipart message (attachment with parts1) to be the main response, then specifying a content-type of application/pdf is required.