When we execute an Endevor Batch JOB, Endevor changes the last digit of JOB name. We would like to know about the design because there is no information in the documents.
Endevor has a function to change the last digit of JOB name when we execute the CA Endevor Bach JOB.
When we use the alphabets, numbers, special symbols for the last digit, what kind of cycle does Endevor change the digit ?
Endevor changes the alphabets and numbers as follows. But, does not change the special symbols.
In case of Alphabets, Endevor changes it from A to Z, and return to A.
In case of Numbers, Endevor changes it from 0 to 9, and return to 0.
In case of Special symbols, Endevor changes only alphabets and numbers. So, special symbols are not changed. For example, #, $, @ and etc...