Service Type in Active Workflow
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Service Type in Active Workflow


Article ID: 100988


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


In CA Service Desk Manager, you don't manually add Service Types to the Workflow Task Details. 

Instead, you add Service Types to Workflows via Events. 

The Service Type field is available in "Workflow Details." However, after clicking the Edit Button, the Service Type field is not available for editing and becomes hidden.

What you are seeing in the Workflow is a consequence of the development of the product over a long time. 

Originally, it was only possible to add ONE Service Type to a ticket or Workflow. 

Later on, the product was expanded so that you could have Service Types attached to multiple conditions. So there could be a different Service Type based off the Priority, another on Category and so on. 

The original method of handling Service Types with its single ranking was called "Classic SLA Processing." 

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Enables the "classic" model of service types and SLA's. This model uses the Rank value for Service Types to determine the correct Type for a ticket. Only one Service Type can be applied to a ticket. 

Note: The Chg SLA Option, CR SLA Option, and Iss SLA Option are available if the Classic SLA Processing Option is installed. 

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It wasn't disbanded when the new Multi-Service Type approach was added. Instead, it was left in via an option classic_sla_processing both so that old sites could continue to function, and so that sites could choose their method of SLA processing - not every site needs multi-type Service Types. 

But that means that the screens have to be capable of both displaying the single type Service Type and the multi-type form. 

This has left the Workflow Detail screen that is present today. 

If you are using a single source Service Type, then it will populate through to the top field - in much the same way that the Change Order number is pulled from the Change Order, even though it is not "part" of the Workflow. 

And if you are using multi Service Types, then they appear at the bottom of the screen. 

So this is not a bug. You are not meant to be able to edit this field - instead, it would be populated by a Service Type.

Most sites use the multi-Service Types now. 


CA Service Desk Manager/ITSM, 17.3.x and 17.4.x

Classic Workflow utilized


Aim: Notify user that task is in pending for an hour.

  • Create the Multiple Notification Macros that will define the behavior that you need. 
  • Create an Event that will have a Delay time 1 hour, and On condition "TRUE" trigger the Notification Macro. This event should have Allow Time Resetting set to True.
  • Create Attach Event Macro that attaches the previously created Macro to the Workflow Task you want to set timer on.
  • Go to the Task and On behavior of Pending status set the Attach Event Macro as the Action on TRUE.

Or, instead of last step:

  • Set this Event on Activity Attach Workflow Task with the appropriate Condition that would identify Task you want to attach the Service Events .


Communities Post - Add Service Type on Active Workflow