Client Automation - Populate User Data fields to add custom data to All Computers
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Client Automation - Populate User Data fields to add custom data to All Computers


Article ID: 100981


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


Sometimes there is company specific or machine specific information that administrators and/or users would like to quickly reference when looking at lists of computers and that particular data is not available as one of the pre-configured columns for DSM Explorer in Client Automation.

There are 4 additional columns, called USER DATA 1, 2, 3, and 4 which are unused by default and exist specifically so that users can customize their display as they choose.

These fields can be leveraged via a command line that must be run on the target machines locally in either a manual fashion or via a Software Delivery package and require Software Delivery to be installed to work in either case.


Any supported ITCA / ITCM environment should support these commands


The following command line will populate data in to USER DATA 1, 2, 3, and 4. To understand how you should use the key below to see the mappings between the items listed in the command line and the USER DATA 1,2,3,4 designations:

User = User Data 1        
Location = User Data 2    
Phone = User Data 3    
Comment = User Data 4

Command line:

sd_acmd userinfo USER="RICHARD JONES" Target="%computername%" Location="OCD Enterprises" Phone="555-1212" Comment="For enforcement of OCD policy"

Please note that all items must be defined and the data must be enclosed in double-quotes. If you with for an item to remain blank, specify it as "" or two double-quotes.

Once the command is run, then run the additional command 'CAF Register' to make sure the new data is populated up to the SS/DM.

The Domain Manager (DM) will shortly thereafter populate the data into these fields.

To see them, browse into DSM Explorer to a computer group, in this case 'ALL COMPUTERS' so you can see all the computers listed on the right side of the display

Right-click on the column headings and select 'MORE..' in the list shown.

Scroll down in this window and you will see USER DATA 1, USER DATA 2, USER DATA 3, and USER DATA 4. Select the ones you want, click 'OK' and those additional columns will now be displayed for easy reference every time you view the contents of this folder going forward.