Date of Hire and Date of Termination XOG
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Date of Hire and Date of Termination XOG


Article ID: 100940


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Is there a known way to XOG-IN/OUT Resource Date of Hire and Date of Termination values? Those Attributes aren't showing up in rsm_resources_read.xml.


The Date of Hire and Date of Termination will only be included in the xog read file if the fields are not blank. 

If they are populated, they'll show up similar to: 

Some additional notes: 
1. To xog in a termination date, you must include the hire date in the xog input file or the update to the termination date will not be successful. - If you are only updating the Hire Date, the date of termination does not need to be included in the xog input file.
2. To null out either of the two dates, you would set it ="null"