How to produce the JCLCheck reports when using the EJCK command in TSO/ISPF?
Release: 12.0
Component: JCLCheck Workload Automation
1. Allocate a new sequential data set of at least 5 cylinders in size with attributes of RECFM=FBA,LRECL=133.
2. Allocate the data set to your TSO/ISPF session. For example: ALLOC FI(EDCPRINT) DA('userid.JCLCHECK.EDCPRINT) SHR
3. Add the JCLCheck runtime option LIST(EDCPRINT) to your EDCHKDD DD that is already allocated to your TSO/ISPF session.
4. Browse the reports that EDCHEK generates directly from the ISPF command line in the validating JCL by entering command %EJCK REPORTS
You may also browse the reports in dataset 'userid.JCLCHECK.EDCPRINT'.