MicroFocus job fails with MccDoOpen: CCI error 9: A network error occurred on CA WA Agent
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MicroFocus job fails with MccDoOpen: CCI error 9: A network error occurred on CA WA Agent


Article ID: 100820


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Workload Automation Agent DSERIES- SERVER CA Workload Automation DE - System Agent (dSeries)


The MF job is getting SUBERRORS. The spool shows the following output:
XXXXXXXXXXXXX MccDoOpen: CCI error 9: A network error occurred
XXXXXXXXXXXXX MccOpen: Error opening conversation: (8) communications component error
MFCC error in MccMfbinpCall: \PATH\JES\JCL\SOME$TEST.JCL"
MFCC communications failure
Failure submitting: "D:\SOME\PATH\JES\JCL\SOME$TEST.JCL""
MFCC error in MccFreeContext:
MFCC object in wrong state



CA Workload Automation Agent for MicroFocus 11.3 / 11.4


The MicroFocus job is failing due to some issues with the MicroFocus cluster or the network.  Check to make sure that the MicroFocus server is reachable.


Check to make sure that the MicroFocus server is reachable.  Fix any DNS or network issues.