1. Log in to CA Spectrum OneClick Console
2. Click on the model where you want the alarm to be asserted.
3. Click on the Information tab in the Component Detail panel
4. Find and expand the "Thresholds and Watches" -> Watches subview
5. Click on the "Create a new Watch" icon
6. In the 'Expression' Tab:
a. Enter a name for the watch in the Name field
b. Set the Data Type to Integer
c. Click on the Attributes button, search for the Condition Attribute and select

4. Click on 'Properties' Tab:
a. Do not check the "Active By Default" check box. A SpectroWatch is a change to the catalog and all current models of this type and all future models of this type will
automatically have this watch created on them. So, setting "Active By Default" will cause this watch to be active for all current and future model of this type which
may not be wanted. It is advisable to activate the watch on the individual model(s) after creating the watch
b. Set the Evaluation to "Evaluate By Polling" and set the desired Poll Interval
c. Uncheck the "Make Inheritable" check box

5. Click on the 'Threshold' Tab:
a. Check the "Attach a Threshold" check box
b. Set the threshold value to "==" a value of "5"
c. Set the threshold rest to "!=" a value of 5
d. Set the Notification to "Generate Alarm"
e. Set the Severity as desired
f. Click the Browse button and select a Probable Cause or create your own custom one

6. To enable the watch on the individual model:
a. Select the model
b. Click on the Information tab
c. Find and expand the Thresholds and Watches -> Watches subview
d. Find and select the watch in the list
e. Click on the "Activate the selected watches" icon