I get this abend in compile step when running one processor. The dataset is a VSAM ELIB, allocated in SYSLIB and initiated with RC=00. Dataset is used as a COPYLIB, defined to type COPY in first stage. From online ISPF or QE or Eclipse I can see elements stored in this stage. In generate, online or batch i get abend S214-04 but cannot figure out why. In ISPF meny 3.4 i see dataset on volume, tried in processor with VOL=SER=volser.
Elib datasets CANNOT be used as SYSLIBs. You can allocate PDS, PDSe, PANVALET, LIBRARIAN or any other OEM product able to simulate PDS access. Note: PANVALET libraries must be PDS or PDSe LIBRARIAN libraries require the use the SUBSYS=LAM parameter in the file DD statement.