How to change the Health Check for parameter PLSOPT94 so that it doesn't come up as an exception if set to (Y)?
Article ID: 100763
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Allocate DASD Space and Placement
How to change the Health Check for parameter PLSOPT94 so that it doesn't come up as an exception if set to (Y)?
Release: Component: ALLOC
In SDSF => CK, the information displayed about checks includes state and status. This will show for this health check: ALLOC_VRFY_PLSOPT94_USE_STUB CA_ALLOC ACTIVE(ENABLED) SUCCESSFUL
As per the IBM Health Checker for z/OS User’s Guide, you can make a check inactive. An inactive check is not eligible to run. The check becomes inactive when either: - It has been added to IBM Health Checker for z/OS in the inactive state. - You specify DEACTIVATE or UPDATE INACTIVE on the HZSPRMxx parmlib member for the MODIFY command (F hzsproc).
For example, in our test environment we have added the following to our HZSPRM00 member to have this check permanently disabled: SYS1.PARMLIB(HZSPRM00)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* CA ALLOCATE, deact check for PLSOPT94 (N) */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ ADDREPLACE POLICY STMT(PLSOPT94_USE_STU) UPDATE CHECK(CA_ALLOC,ALLOC_VRFY_PLSOPT94_USE_STUB) INACTIVE DATE(20170318) REASON('REMOVE ALERT for PLSOPT94') /* */ With this, SDSF => CK will display: ALLOC_VRFY_PLSOPT94_USE_STUB CA_ALLOC INACTIVE(ENABLED) INACTIVE
For a temporary change from ACTIVE(ENABLED) to INACTIVE, use the corresponding MODIFY command, or just use the line command H under SDSF => CK. To reactivate, you can use the line command A under SDSF => CK.