How to quickly validate when the last time the Data Repository (Vertica) wrote metric data to the database.
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How to quickly validate when the last time the Data Repository (Vertica) wrote metric data to the database.


Article ID: 10075


Updated On:


CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


There may come a time where you question whether the Data Repository is writing data despite showing online.  A time where you could call into question whether the DR is writing data or not would be if you were to not stop a DC before you recover the DR from a backup and not restart the DC once you are done.  In this case everything would show up/green but there would be no data on dashboards.  As reachability is common among nearly all devices we will use that to check the last write time.


All currently supported versions of PM (3.0 at the time of writing) and their supported operating systems.


  1. Access a command line on a Data Repository (does not matter which if you are in a clustered environment).
  2. Run the below command where dbpass is equal to the password of the DR admin account:

    vsql -w dbpass -c "select to_timestamp( v.tstamp ) from ( select distinct tstamp from dauser.reach_rate order by tstamp desc limit 10 ) v;"
  3. Results would look similar to the below


$ vsql -w dbpass -c "select to_timestamp( v.tstamp ) from ( select distinct tstamp from dauser.reach_rate order by tstamp desc limit 10 ) v;"

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