Are the CA Intertest for CICS R 9.1 PROTSYM, PROTCPF, PROTHLF, PROTUHF datasets are compatible with R 11?
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Are the CA Intertest for CICS R 9.1 PROTSYM, PROTCPF, PROTHLF, PROTUHF datasets are compatible with R 11?


Article ID: 100658


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InterTest - CICS InterTest - Batch InterTest VSE - CICS


The client just upgraded to CA Intertest for CICS r 11 from release r 9.1. Are part of the upgrade process the PROTSYM, PROTCPF, PROTHLF, PROTUHF can be configured and  installed. Are the CA Intertest for CICS  R 9.1 PROTSYM, PROTCPF, PROTHLF, PROTUHF datasets upward compatible with R 11?




The r 9.1 PROTSYM File is upward compatible with r 11.
You need to define a new PROTHLF file for r 11 since the  r 11 PROTHLF contains help on the new features added to r 11. The PROTHLF is read only to CICS and can be share by all your CICS region that are using  CA Intertest CICS.
The PROTCPF and PROTUHF are optional files. You need to define a new UNIQUE PROTCPF (checkpoint file) for each CICS region if being used. The PROTUHF (USER HELP file) you can define a new file for release 11 and it can be shared between your CICS regions if it is being used.