The OPSRMT command processor lets you issue a TSO command to other systems from an OPS/REXX program, a TSO/E REXX program, a CLIST, a TSO terminal, or from a console logged on to the CA OPS/MVS ECF component. The command can contain up to 255 characters.
Running PGM=OPSRMT under OPSOSF Service Task, with a specific User (for example USER=MVSUBMT) and having CA Top Secret Security Product active, it is possible to get the following OPS error in the joblog of the above job submitted:
and SYSLOG can contain the following CA TSS Error:
026 (1A) 7171 Use of terminal or reader source not authorized Reason: ACID has SOURCE restrictions and this reader or terminal is not in the list. Action: TSS ADDTO/REMOVE(acid) SOURCE(reader)
So, it is necessary to issue the following command:
in order to fix the security error.
In addition, according to CA OPSMVS Security Guide, the involved User must also have TSO segment allowing OPER authority