VMFUTL2070W Build list NUCBL48 is not in the :BLD section of product
Article ID: 100576
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When applying service to VM:Operator 3.1 I get warning message VMFUTL2070W Build list NUCBL48 is not in the :BLD section of product and VMFBLD completes with RC=4 - what do I need to do ?
Release: VMOPER55400-3.1-VM:Operator Component:
The warning message VMFUTL2070W and the resulting RC=4 can be ignored:
Unfortunately, this is "expected" and there is really not anything that can be done to prevent the message from appearing each time you run VMFBLD. This is the result of the NUCBL48 BuildList being replaced by the NUCBL51 BuildList for VM:Operator. VMSES knows that NUCBL48 was required in the past. VMSES sees this and issues the VMFUTL2070W message even though it is now marked as DELETED in the control files. At the end of the verbiage for VMFUTL2070W it states something to the effect "If the BuildList was removed intentionally, this message can be ignored."
The NUCBL48 BuildList was removed intentionally, so you can ignore the message.
Again, please verify that VMFBLD is completing with RC=4 and states there are ZERO Object That Require a Rebuild.
If this is the case, you can proceed and run VMDEPLOY to deploy the updated code and begin testing.
Once the next RSU for VM:Operator is installed, this will stop happening each time you run VMFBLD.