You can use Jasper Studio Professional to edit existing reports that are delivered with the Clarity Service Management content for CABI JasperSoft or to design new reports.
To edit or copy existing reports and then publish them to JasperSoft Server for use, it will require you to configure Jasper Studio to connect to your JasperSoft Server where the Clarity Service Management content was imported.
To design/create new reports, it will also require you to create a Data Adapter in Jasper Studio to connect to the Clarity Service Desk Manager object layer.
This document will explain the steps to configure Jasper Studio properly, enabling you to edit existing reports, create new reports and publish reports to JasperSoft Server.
Clarity Service Management 14.x and 17.x
All supported JasperSoft versions
First, you must download and install Jasper Studio Professional. This can be downloaded from Tibco's website
Next, follow these steps to connect your Jasper Studio installation to your JasperSoft server instance:
1. In Jasper Studio, right-click on "Servers" and select "Create JasperReports Server Connection":
2. Enter the information for your JasperSoft server hostname and the admin username and password for Jaspersoft (which by default is superuser/superuser), then click "Test Connection". A successful connection will show.
3. Now you will see your JasperReports Server connection in the servers list in Jasper Studio.
4. Next, you need to create the data adapter to connect to the object layer of Service Desk Manager so you can create and run reports against Service Desk data. Copy the custom driver (.jar file) from the JasperSoft Server install media, to the machine where you have Jasper Studio installed:
a. Navigate to the directory where Jasper Studio is installed, such as C:\Program Files\TIBCO\Jaspersoft Studio, and create a new folder called "ca_driver"
b. Copy the oajc.jar file from the JasperSoft Server install media to the "ca_driver" folder that you created on the machine where Jasper Studio is installed. The file is located in: {JasperServer_Install_Media}\overlay\CA_SDM\webapps\WEB-INF\lib
Copy it to: C:\Program Files\TIBCO\Jaspersoft Studio\ca_driver\oajc.jar
5. In Jasper Studio, right-click on Data Adapters and select "Create Data Adapter"
6. Select "Database JDBC Connection". Fill in the fields as follows with the appropriate information for your environment.
7. Click on the "Driver Classpath" tab on the bottom, then click the "Add" button and browse to the directory where you copied the oajc.jar file and select that file.
8. Next, click the "Test" button and ensure it tests successfully
You are now finished and can use Jasper Studio to create custom reports. Once the reports are complete, you will export them to your Jasper Server instance via the server connection you created.
For additional information on creating reports using Jasper Studio, please refer to the Tibco documentation and community site found here: