CA Directory: Error starting dxserver
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CA Directory: Error starting dxserver


Article ID: 100459


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CA Directory


Attempting to start a DSA results in failure to start. You may find following messages being written to DSA logs.

ALARM (and TRACE) log:

[0] 20180607.044230.247 Assertion failed (/net/cadir-master/release/ 
[0] 20180607.044230.247 DSA_E1280 Error in initialization files 
[0] 20180607.044230.247 DSA_I1240 DSA shutting down 

WARN log:

[0] 20180607.044230.234 WARN : Loading cache
[0] 20180607.044230.235 WARN : Datastore was created at: 20170811174256Z
[0] 20180607.044230.235 WARN : Datastore was created for: {dsaname}
[0] 20180607.044230.247 WARN : EID 359818085 is too large at 0x7f635525fffa (0x7f63550c6000)
[0] 20180607.044230.248 WARN : Disabling cache prior to exit


Component: ETRDIR


The key here is "WARN : EID 359818085 is too large at" message which points to the fact that some sort of corruption has been introduced in your datastore (dsaname.db file) hence failure to start.

The way to recover would be to perform a standard DR (Disaster Recovery) process to manually bring the data from one its MW peer DSA to this corrupted DSA.

For the DR process, you can reference article kb000054088.

NOTE: The line number as in part of 'caDxgrid.c' message in Assertion failed error can change depending on the version and/or service pack of CA Directory in use.