Creating References to the Call_Req Table for Request/Incident/Problem Workflow Task Notification Message Templates
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Creating References to the Call_Req Table for Request/Incident/Problem Workflow Task Notification Message Templates


Article ID: 100370


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


Out of the box, Service Desk Manager does not supply any Message Templates with Object Type "Request/Incident/Problem Workflow Task". When creating a Message Template of this type, one may require referencing information from the related Request, Incident or Problem ticket, although will not have an example out of the box. 


CA Service Desk Manager, all releases 


When creating the required Message Template, any references to the call_req table will be made with a "cr" reference, rather than a "call_req_id" reference one might use regarding Request/Incident/Problem Message Templates. 

Using a Request/Incident/Problem Message Template HTML message as an example, rather than the "@{call_req_id.web_url}" reference to add a link to the related Request/Incident/Problem, one would use the "@{cr.web_url}" reference. 

Example:  The following text will display a message showing the call request's reference number and URL if it is included in the Workflow Task's Message Template:

Ref Num:  @{cr.ref_num}

Call Req URL:  @{cr.web_url}

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