A new field was defined in the FDT in the base segment. A users uses the Top Secret application interface program (TSSAI) to extract information about the signed on ACID. This information is moved to another server. The DUFXTR attribute is required to transfer the new field. The DUFXTR attribute permits the extraction of the INSTDATA and the new field. Why is not necessary to add the FLDXTR attribute to extract the new field, but the DUFXTR attribute is required to transfer it? Does the DUFXTR attribute allows other actions?
To EXTRACT/UPDATE INSTDATA or an FDT field, the user must have the DUFXTR or/and DUFUPD attributes. There are no FLDXTR/FLDUPD attributes.
To EXTRACT/UPDATE INSTDATA or a FDT field with TSSAI, you must indicate what your request is. To do that, you must put in TSSAI TSSCLASS what your request is, (DUFXTR or DUFUPD or FLDXTR or FLDUPD). These keywords tell TSSAI what kind of request it has to perform.
If you give the DUFXTR attribute to all your users, they will all able to extract the INSDATA and FDT fields for any ACID within their scope (ie for a user type ACID, just the user, for a DCA, all ACIDs belonging to the associated department).
DUFXTR is just to be able to extract (read data). It should not harm anything, but the confidentiality of the data depends on what is in the field.
For more information about the Top Secret application interface (TSSAI) see Application Interface Components.
For more information about the Top Secret DUFXTR attribute, see DUFXTR Keyword—Control INSTDATA and Security File Data Extraction.