Export Problems MS Windows 10 or Office 365 Pro Plus Web Viewer 12.1
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Export Problems MS Windows 10 or Office 365 Pro Plus Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 100239


Updated On: 12-28-2022


Output Management Web Viewer


I have tried to export reports and I cannot get them to export. They were working prior to my computer being upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7. I'm still using IE 11. 

After exporting the report, it opens an .xml file starting with these type of statements instead of the report:
<?xml version= "1.0" encoding="WINDOWS-1252"?> 
<?mso-applicaton progid="Excel.Sheet"?>


Microsoft Windows 10
Office 365 Pro Plus


The problem is not with Web Viewer because it is producing an XML file successfully to completion. An .XML file is a valid EXCEL extension. However, after workstations are upgraded with Windows 10 or Office 365 Pro Plus the default app for .xml is MS Office XML Handler which has the problem.  We have worked with Microsoft Support on this for a number of months, but there was no resolution.  



Possible workarounds:

  1. Instead of selecting OPEN to open the .xml file, select OPEN WITH and browse for EXCEL and select it to open the file.  
  2. Save the file and open it with EXCEL
  3. Change the default application to open .xml files to EXCEL.  You will need administrative rights to do this.  (WARNING - all .xml files will then open with EXCEL) For Windows 7,
  • Go to the Control Panel-> Default Programs->Set associations->Associate a file type or protocol with a specific program.
  • Scroll down until you see .xml in the left hand column
  • Double Left click
  • Select Browse to find EXCEL.EXE.  It will be in different locations depending on your version of Office. One possible location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16
    You may need to search to find it.
  • Browse to the location, Scroll down and click on EXCEL.EXE
  • Select OPEN, Select ok.

For Windows 10, you will need to go to Programs_>Default programs->Set Associations.

Additional Information

Apply the latest Web Viewer Maintenance build to resolve a different problem with export and Windows 10 with the export wizard creating extra columns.
See How to locate the latest build (maintenance) for Web Viewer 12.1?

Note - this link shows the download for Windows server, but all links for all platforms are the same so this can be used on any platform