The CA Disk output is directed to the device specified by a Sysparm and that device is addressed via the esoteric it was defined as in the IODF.
Release: SMDI3900200-12.5-Disk-Backup and Restore-for z/OS Component:
To allocate a tape device for output of the DMS and ARCHIVE procs, specify the Sysparms ARC0TYPE and ARCCTYPE with one of the values below. For the MERGE proc output, specify Sysparms MERP1TYP and MERC1TYP with one of these values: TAPEThis should never be specified. This was for old ROUND 2400 ft. tapes 3480 For 3480 and 3490 “square” tape DYNn For any large capacity tape - (n = 1 thru 9) DYnnFor any large capacity tape - (nn = 10 thru 20) DISK Archvol written to a disk volume (ML1) NULLSpecify only with ARCCTYPE or MERC1TYP so a copy is not created
These values indicate a type of device used only internally by CA Disk and are not esoterics.
The sysparms noted above can be specified in the Sysparms member in Parmlib, or in the JCL as an override: //SYSPARMS DD * . But, specifying in Sysparms is preferred.
The type of device noted above will direct CA Disk to other Sysparms where the device esoteric name is provided. The type value and the associated Sysparms are: TAPEDYNTUNIT For ROUND tape, only. Do not use! 3480DYNCUNITesoteric For 3480 and 3490 “square” tape DYNnDYNnUNITesotericFor large capacity tapes (n = 1 thru 9) DYnnDYnnUNITesoteric For large capacity tapes (nn = 10 thru 20)
For Auto Restore, you must also provide the device esoteric name with these Sysparms: TAPEARESUNIT For ROUND tape, only. Do not use! 3480ARESUNICesoteric For 3480 and 3490 “square” tape DYNnARESUNInesoteric For large capacity tapes (n = 1 thru 9) DYnnARESUNnnesoteric For large capacity tapes (nn = 10 thru 20)
Specify the DYN… and ARES… Sysparms only in the Sysparms member in Parmlib.
Example: If you want CA Disk to write to device esoteric “V3590”, specify the following Sysparms (assuming that “DYN1” is not already in use) ARC0TYPEDYN1 Primary output ARCCTYPEDYN1 Duplicate copy DYN1UNITV3590 The esoteric for the DYN1 device for write and reading ARESUNI1V3590 The esoteric for the DYN1 device for Auto Restore
When a new device is acquired that CA Disk is to use, that device will be identified with another of the DYNn values. Assuming “DYN2” has not been used, specify the device esoteric of “C9840” with these Sysparms and values in your Sysparms member: DYN2UNITC9840 ARESUNI2C9840
To have CA Disk write to the DYN2 media, specify these sysparms and values: ARC0TYPEDYN2 Primary output ARCCTYPEDYN2 Duplicate copy to DYN2 or “NULL”
You can have as many pairs of DYNnUNIT and ARESUNIn specified in SYSPARMS as you have different devices. To avoid confusion, these Sysparms should be specified in the SYSPARMS member only, and not with the override DD in the JCL. You must leave the DYNnUNIT and ARESUNIn pairs in your SYSPARMS member as long as you have that media type in the CA Disk Archives.
Additional Information
Merge Setup to Copy Old Tapes to New Media This example assumes that the OLD tapes are esoteric V3590 and the NEW tapes are esoteric C9840. To Merge all the V3590 tapes that had been created as unit type DYN1, to new tape media C9840, the setup would be as follows: In the Sysparms member in CA Disk Parmlib, add these entries: ARESUNI2C9840 DYN2UNITC9840 CARTCALCY * TO INSURE LARGE CAPACITY TAPES PROPERLY USED The Merge job setup would be as follows: //STEP1 EXEC MERGE //SYSIN DD * MERGE TYPES=DYN1,MULTVOL //SYSPARMS DD * MERREPLYY * ISSUE WTOR SO MERGE CAN BE SAFELY SHUTDOWN MERGSORTS * MERGE ARCHVOLS IN ORDER OF LEAST SPACE USED MERP1TYPDYN2 * NNEW MERGE TAPES CREATED ON DYN2 DEVICE MERC1TYPDYN2 * SPECIFY DYN2 FOR NEW TAPES OR “NULL” /* If you have any questions, please contact CA Technical Support.