How can I merge QOS data after making an IP Address change for a network device that I already have QOS for in the SLM database?
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How can I merge QOS data after making an IP Address change for a network device that I already have QOS for in the SLM database?


Article ID: 10022


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


I have a network device which had been discovered in discovery server/agent and snmpcollector with IP Addr A and it now needs to be monitored on IP Addr B. Do I have to delete, then rediscover, or can I update somehow? And how do I clean-up or merge the QOS data?

The attached zip contains 3 files:

Merge QoS for Renamed



In a case like this you would need to remove the existing entry from the db using the discovery_server callback 'remove_master_devices_by_cskey

- This call requires the cs_key from the cm_computer_system table
- Rediscover the device via the discovery_agent using the new ip
- Delete the old profile from snmpcollector
- Re-import the device from the discovery_server in snmpcollector (Query discovery_server ...) and let the templates reapply

As the device will have a new dev ID you will likely need to merge the QoS data from the old entry to that of the new entry. This can be done using 'Tools -> database status', selecting the matching QoS then selecting merge IF there is a small set of QOS data. If there is a significant amount of QOS data, please refer to the attached scripts.


Release: DX UIM, Any


See attached sample scripts.


Note that these scripts to bulk merge QOS data are only offered as examples for you to use and you MUST test the results in a TEST/DEV environment first. We recommend that you work with your DBA as well. We also recommend after reviewing and editing the scripts, that you test it to see the results BEFORE using it in a Production environment. Test it on a small scale then review the data to make sure you get the expected results.

Attachments get_app