PIM is not working for us. We had also made these changes to see if it helps.
Token change of the restart enabled from 0 to 1 under the Report Agent env config sr config accommon.ini section(ReportAgent) token(restart_enabled) er config accommon.ini section(ReportAgent) token(restart_enabled) value(1)
Special Programs nr specialpgm /sbin/vxconfigd pgmtype(fullbypass) owner(nobody) nr specialpgm /sbin/multipathd pgmtype(fullbypass) owner(nobody) nr specialpgm /opt/hp/hp-snmp-agents/nic/bin/hpetfe pgmtype(fullbypass) owner(nobody) nr specialpgm /opt/hp/hp-snmp-agents/nic/bin/cmanicd pgmtype(fullbypass) owner(nobody) nr specialpgm /opt/hp/hp-snmp-agents/utils/usb-device.sh pgmtype(fullbypass) owner(nobody) nr specialpgm /opt/surapps/java/jdk1.7.0_17/bin/java pgmtype(fullbypass) owner(nobody) nr specialpgm /opt/surapps/faircom/ctree-ace/v11.2.1.16099.170104/bin/ace/sql/ctreesql pgmtype(fullbypass) owner(nobody)
To disable the FILE class from selang please try the following:
selang>SO CLASS-(FILE) (localhost) Successfully updated CA ControlMinder options
and selang> so list should show the following: FILE : No
/etc/seos.ini: Blocking Interval to 160
AgentManager = yes, /opt/CA/AccessControlShared/lbin/agent_manager.sh start to AgentManager = no
agent_manager_check_enabled = yes to agent_manager_check_enabled = no
Release: Component: SEOSU
You are experiencing a lot of communication timeout messages, as shown below, prior to the server crashing, where seoswd is repeatedly trying to restart seosd. seoswd: Communication time out to seosd. Executing seosd seoswd: Communication time out to seosd. Executing seosd seoswd: Communication time out to seosd. Executing seosd
When we introduced multi-threading to seosd (build 2097), we saw issues where seoswd was unable to restart it properly when there was a communication timeout. Because seoswd could not kill the problem seosd process successfully, it would keep re-trying to kill it. Eventually, the repeated attempts to kill seosd and restart it would lead to database corruption and even server hangs/crashes. This behavior is identical the issue you are experiencing: seosd[37592]: Database seems corrupted, rebuilding it
The way SE fixed this behavior was by disabling multi-threading in seosd with fix T3E7240 (build 2919). After disabling multi-threading, seoswd has been able successfully restart seosd without running into the issues which were occurring with a multi-threaded seosd.