PIM Control minder again went down on the server even after disabling the file class --
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PIM Control minder again went down on the server even after disabling the file class --


Article ID: 100169


Updated On:


CA Virtual Privilege Manager CA Privileged Identity Management Endpoint (PIM) CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


PIM is not working for us.  We had also made these changes to see if it helps.

Token change of the restart enabled from 0 to 1 under the Report Agent 
env config 
sr config accommon.ini section(ReportAgent) token(restart_enabled) 
er config accommon.ini section(ReportAgent) token(restart_enabled) value(1) 

Special Programs 
nr specialpgm /sbin/vxconfigd pgmtype(fullbypass) owner(nobody) 
nr specialpgm /sbin/multipathd pgmtype(fullbypass) owner(nobody) 
nr specialpgm /opt/hp/hp-snmp-agents/nic/bin/hpetfe pgmtype(fullbypass) owner(nobody) 
nr specialpgm /opt/hp/hp-snmp-agents/nic/bin/cmanicd pgmtype(fullbypass) owner(nobody) 
nr specialpgm /opt/hp/hp-snmp-agents/utils/usb-device.sh pgmtype(fullbypass) owner(nobody) 
nr specialpgm /opt/surapps/java/jdk1.7.0_17/bin/java pgmtype(fullbypass) owner(nobody) 
nr specialpgm /opt/surapps/faircom/ctree-ace/v11.2.1.16099.170104/bin/ace/sql/ctreesql pgmtype(fullbypass) owner(nobody) 

To disable the FILE class from selang please try the following: 

selang>SO CLASS-(FILE) 
Successfully updated CA ControlMinder options 

and selang> so list should show the following: 
FILE : No 

Blocking Interval to 160 

AgentManager = yes, /opt/CA/AccessControlShared/lbin/agent_manager.sh start 
AgentManager = no 

agent_manager_check_enabled = yes 
agent_manager_check_enabled = no 


Component: SEOSU


You are experiencing a lot of communication timeout messages, as shown below, prior to the server crashing, where seoswd is repeatedly trying to restart seosd. 
seoswd: Communication time out to seosd. Executing seosd 
seoswd: Communication time out to seosd. Executing seosd 
seoswd: Communication time out to seosd. Executing seosd 

When we introduced multi-threading to seosd (build 2097), we saw issues where seoswd was unable to restart it properly when there was a communication timeout.  Because seoswd could not kill the problem seosd process successfully, it would keep re-trying to kill it.  Eventually, the repeated attempts to kill seosd and restart it would lead to database corruption and even server hangs/crashes. This behavior is identical the issue you are experiencing:
seosd[37592]: Database seems corrupted, rebuilding it 

The way SE fixed this behavior was by disabling multi-threading in seosd with fix T3E7240 (build 2919). After disabling multi-threading, seoswd has been able successfully restart seosd without running into the issues which were occurring with a multi-threaded seosd.