The management wants to know how many workloads are processed in ESP Workload Automation system.
ESP Workload Automation on Z/OS for all releases
Enter USE on ESP main panel:
This This This Since Last
Activity Year Month Day Start
Applications completed 30695 4467 2 20
Applications created 30701 4447 2 20
Events executed 63204 9095 4 40
Jobs submitted 30731 4469 0 1
Or Issue "OPER ESPCTR" from ESP page mode:
APPCMP 30695,4467,2,20
APPCRE 30701,4447,2,20
EVXEQ 63204,9095,4,40
JOBSUB 30731,4469,0,1
Note: The count for "Job submitted" only includes mainframe jobs. To report agent wobs, please run history report instead.