When trying to create a relationship with another CI using GRLoader getting an error message "ERROR: Dependent CI not found"
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When trying to create a relationship with another CI using GRLoader getting an error message "ERROR: Dependent CI not found"


Article ID: 10015


Updated On:


CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


This document provides some possible causes of a "ERROR: Dependent CI not found" error when using Grloader to load relationships.


Release: SMITAM99000-14.1-Service Management-IT Asset Manager Package


There are a few possible causes for this message:

1. One possible reason is that there may be multiple configuration items in the CMDB that have the same name. It's necessary to include other attributes in the load file to provide a unique value for the configuration item. For example, the load may be formatted as:

dependent_name dependent_serial_number type provider_name
service1 12345 uses server2
service1 67890 uses server3

Including "dependent_serial_number" helps to provide a difference between two configuration items that both have the name name.

2.  When embedded relationships are used in the spreadsheet, user should make sure that the CI has only "name" as the identifying attribute, if there are any other identifying attributes, the embedded relationships cannot be used.

For example:

This will fail:

name class serial_number serves
System1 Server 1122335  
System2 Server 4445556  
TEST1 TEST ###### System1


But this will work:


name class serves
System1 Server  
System2 Server  
TEST1 TEST System1


An "embedded relationship" differs from a non-embedded one in the formatting. In the samples above you will notice the embedded relationship actually specifies the relationship type in the header, "serves". In the example in point 1 you'll notice that the header is "type" and then the relationship type is specified below.

When using an embedded relationship you must only specify the name and class/family of the provider configuration item. Including other attributes will cause the error.