Missing localized language characters in PDF output from Jaspersoft reports
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Missing localized language characters in PDF output from Jaspersoft reports


Article ID: 100135


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Clarity PPM On Premise


Issue with missing letters in PDF outputs from standard reports. For example if Czech language is used, the default studio report 'Project Status Report' list is not showing the letter "č". The report itself displays Czech language alright but PDF output of the report does not.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. In CA PPM create projects with names containing the character "č" 
2. Run the Load Data Warehouse job. 
3. Once the Load Data Warehouse job completes, run the 'Project Status Report List' in the Advance Reporting section. Output is OK. 
4. Now export the report output to PDF 

Expected Results: The PDF output displays fine just like it is displayed in Jaspersoft report 
Actual Results: The PDF output does not display all the "č" Czech characters 


The problem can also be found when creating reports from adhoc views.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create ad hoc view containing national specific (for example. greek) characters. 

2. Use "save ad hoc view and create report" function to create report from this ad hoc view.

3. Set usage of Custom Report Template (f.e. the "teal and grey" one) for the new report. 

4. Open the newly created report and export it to PDF.

Expected behavior: Data are exported as seen in the Advanced Reporting.

Actual behavior: Data are exported without all the national specific characters. 


Jaspersoft 7.8


The issue is related to a current limitation in the Jasperosft side and pending permanent fix

Workaround for now is as follows

  1. From Jaspersoft Studio, connect to the Jasper Reports server where the reports are running. 
  2. Once connected to the server, expand the CA PPM folder followed by the Templates folder.
  3. Right click the template being used for reports. For example, if it is the Teal and Grey template, right click the Report Style Template (Teal and Grey).
  4. Select the Download to File option. Provide a file name and save it. Jaspersoft Studio will save a local copy and will open it for editing.
  5. From the Edit drop down menu select Find/Replace and replace all occurrences of Arial by Ca-Font. (Make sure you use the correct case, it is lower case a).
  6. Save the file.
  7. Upload it back, right click the template and select Properties. Select Upload From File System. 

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