Configuring Workload Automation System Agent for z/OS
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Configuring Workload Automation System Agent for z/OS


Article ID: 10013


Updated On: 09-26-2024


ESP Workload Automation CA Workload Automation DE


I am setting up the Workload Automation System Agent for z/OS on the Mainframe to communicate with Workload Automation DE on Windows. 


ESP dSeries Workload Automation All releases
Workload Automation System Agent for z/OS 11.4


More than one AGENTRCV statements can be specified in the ESPPARM member. And only one ZOSAGENT statement can be defined in the AGENTDEF member. 

If there are multiple dSeries connections, define each one with its own COMMCHAN and EXTSCHED. Note: EXTSCHED is used to specify the mainframe user ID for security checking. It pairs with COMMCHAN statement. 

One dSeries manager can define more than one ZOS agents.

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